At R8RISK, our belief is that risk is an integral part of any individual or entity and ought to be managed holistically and in continuous fashion. Beyond consulting engagements, our objective is to develop solutions enabling organizations and individuals to manage and help protect risks ultimately creating a more resilient society. Our goal is to allow organizations and individuals not only to participate in the Risk Management process, but to provide them with tools and solutions such as dashboards that will provide actionable information and performance measurements to help better manage their risk portfolio.

Our mission is simple; develop a UI friendly web platform that helps people manage, monitor, finance, and transfer risks simply. We aim to enable monitoring of a risk portfolio holistically and dynamically. As our platform grows in functionality, our aim to use the data collected and insights gleaned from the Risk Management process to build, provide, and support our clients with valuable data and risk reduction resources such as checklists, SOP’s, inferences, etc.

Unlike your traditional for-profit insurance carrier, our objective is to act as a partner and help facilitate your success in the realm of Risk Management. We are also working to incorporate and embed a supply chain of carriers, vendors, and other contractors to help speed risk placement, recovery time, and track expenses ensuring that your risk capital is protected and growing to enable greater degrees of protection without unnecessary intervention and uncertainty.

We believe with appropriate Risk Management, an organization or individual can make better decisions and take actions to help build and improve their organization as well as prioritize its needs without the toll of unexpected losses and claims which can easily wipe out an individual or business.